Saturday, 20. April 2024    

Temple A

Version: 2 (2019)


Lara: "Oh no, Illiat! What's happened to you?"
"Hang on, Illiat, I'm coming!"
Walk forward by pressing to the right. When you have reached the small medipak press down to pick it up. Walk towards the edge. Turn around and lower yourself down, by pressing down and B. Run over to the left. Drop into the first depression and pick up the dynamite. Climb up on the other side and collect the small medipak. Climb back to the other side and run forward till you come to the edge.


Climb down twice and pick up the large medipak. Climb up onto the next ledge. Walk towards the edge by pressing right and A. Make a standing jump over the spike pit by pressing up and B. If you wait to long on the other side you might have to kill a bat. Get down into the depression and collect the small medipak.


Climb up twice. Behind the bush is a large medipak. Hang from the next ledge. Watch the scorpion. When it goes to the right, let go. Turn around and draw guns by pressing select, then press A to shoot the scorpion.


Walk towards the wall. There you will find a ladder. Step onto it by pressing forward and B. Press up to climb. At the top, get your guns out and shoot the bat.


In front is a closed door. Jump up to the next ledge. If you stand beneath the green part, press up and B. There you will find a switch at the wall. Use it by pressing A while standing in front. The door below opens. Climb back down and step through the door. Climb down. Before saving your game, kill the next bat. Then save your game at the crystal by pressing down.

Using Dynamite

Climb down the ladder. There you will find a grey door. Place the dynamite there and get out of the way. To place the dynamite, you have to stand close by the door. Go to the inventory and pick the dynamite by pressing A. Lara will put it on the floor. Run into the other direction by pressing B and left to get away from the explosion. Then get through the now open door and pick up the large medipak. Return to the ladder and climb back up.

Getting More Dynamite

Climb up on the left again. Climb down the long ladder. Below you will find more dynamite. Climb the ladder on the right back up and down on the right to where the crystal is.

Scorpions and Snake

Take a standing jump over the gap. Climb further up when the scorpion moves to the right. Shoot it. If you look up you can see another ladder, but you can't reach it. Climb further down. Kill the snake. Follow the passage further ahead. By the column, you can kill the scorpion.


A few steps back is a ledge where you can climb up. But we won't do that now, because there are some switches to flip. One will extend some ledges high above. Continue to the right. Climb down the next ladder. On the right is a hidden tunnel. Run through and find a small medipak and a large medipak. Then climb back up. Turn right and jump over the gap. Climb up the next ladder and use the switch on the right end.


Turn left and jump over the gap onto the platform. Shoot the snake on the next platform. Pick up the small medipak. Climb up the ladder. At the top, use the switch on the left. This switch extends some ledges a few steps back. That's where we will go now. We will return here later.

The New Ledges

Climb down the ladder again. Drop down from the next ledge. Turn left and jump over the gap. Climb up the next ledge. There you will find a ladder. Climb further up. Turn left. Jump to reach the platform. There you have to shoot the next bat. Walk forward and jump onto the next ledge. Continue onto the third and fourth platform. From there jump onto safe ground. Shoot the next bat. On the next ledge is a scorpion. Climb up when he turns left. Pull up and kill the scorpion. Behind the broken column, you can find a small medipak. Down in the next depression is the next crystal where you can save your game.

Back to Where We Were

Climb back up and down on the other side. Back at the edge, do not jump over the ledges again but climb down the ladder. Drop onto the ground. Turn right and climb down the next ladder. Go to the right till you reach the gap. Jump to the other side. Climb up the ladder. Turn left and jump onto the ledge. Jump again to reach safe ground. Climb up the ladder. We are now back at the switch.

Switch for Door

Then jump over the gap on the right. Climb up onto the next platform when the scorpion runs to the right. Pull up and kill the scorpion. Stand in front of the orange switch. Use it to open the blue door. Step through. Jump over the gap. There is another grey door. Use the dynamite to open it. If you haven't got any you have forgotten to collect it. You can find one by the first save crystal a few step back to the left. You can get back there. Get through the door and climb down the ladder. Below you will find a grey trapdoor. Shoot the snake. Pick up the next dynamite. Now get towards the grey trapdoor and use the dynamite. Get down into the depression and pick up the small medipak. Then climb back up to the right to find more dynamite. Now jump back towards the ladder and climb back up. Drop down into the pit. Drop further down. You will slide down a hill.


Run to the left to come past a strange statue. Do not examine it yet. Use some dynamite to open the next door. Shoot the snake and collect the large medipak. Go a few steps back and climb up onto the next ledge. Climb up the ladder. At the top, you can leave it with a backflip by pressing B and right. Climb up the next ladder on the right. Leave the ladder with a backflip and shoot the scorpion on the platform. Go towards the edge and shoot the snake from up here. Climb down and pick up the small medipak. Climb down the ladder to get back to the statue. Pick up the dynamite on the right. Now go towards the statue on the left and examine it by pressing up.
"Foolish Intruder, you shall pay for your greed. You have awoken the guardians of the temple and they shall not rest until you are destroyed!"

Lara awakens some time later: The room is now brighter. Lara sees a trail of blood and decides to follow it.

Area on the Right

Go left and save your game at the crystal. Or leave it for later. Turn right. In the corner, you can shoot another snake. Climb onto the ledge by the columns again. Up the ladder on the left. Draw guns while still on the ladder and take out the scorpion from here. Climb up the next ladder. Leave it and kill the next scorpion. Climb down and pick up the small medipak. Shoot the bat. Take a running jump and jump up to grab the ceiling. Hold on to it. If you release the B button Lara will drop down. Climb over to the other side and drop onto the ledge there. Pick up the large medipak. Jump back onto the ceiling and monkey climb back to the other side. Climb up and carefully drop down at the right end. Run to the left and safety drop down to the ground. Drop deeper down. Run to the left to get back to the statue.

Bombing the Door

Save your game at the crystal, if you haven't done so yet. Then run further to the left. Climb up the three steps. Climb up the ladder on the left end. Climb up the next three steps. At the end, you will find another ladder. If you jump over to the right, you can kill another scorpion. Continue to the left. There you will find a grey door. Use the dynamite to open it. Turn around and jump over the gap to get some more dynamite. Afterwards get back to the left. Step through the door.

Switch and Dynamite

Below is a dart trap. Take a running jump onto the ledge ahead. Shoot the bat. Then shoot the scorpion on the next platform. Jump over to that platform and climb up. Use the switch. Then jump over to the right. Climb up and shoot the scorpion. Climb further up and kill the snake. Take a running jump over the gap and kill the next snake. Climb down at the end. Kill another snake. Then detonate the dynamite on top of the trapdoor. Drop down and collect the large medipak. Climb the ladder back up. If you now climb down again you can find another dynamite on the right. Take a running jump back over the gap. Climb down at the end and jump over the gap. Climb the ladder back down. Drop down to the ground.

Scorpions, Snakes and Medipaks

Run over to the left and shoot the scorpion. Continue ahead and shoot the next scorpion. Climb onto the next ledge on the right. Climb the ladder. Shoot the snake at the top. Then jump onto the ledge on the left. Walk forwards and jump onto the next ledge. Repeat that at the third and fourth. And then jump onto the safe ground. Climb further up and kill the scorpion. Climb down at the end and pick up the small medipak. Climb back up and down on the other side. Then climb down the ladder. You are on a ledge with two small medipaks. Pick them both up. Climb down the next ladder on the left. Let go. On the right is another crystal. Save your game. On the right is also an orange trapdoor.

Collapsing Floor

Then turn left. There is a collapsing platform with a ladder underneath. Trigger the platform and get out of the way. Then climb down the ladder. Climb down and go to the left. Kill the scorpion. Climb further down. Below you will find another orange trapdoor. You can also see a switch below. Run to the left. Shoot the bat. Climb up on the left. Collect the small medipak. Then shoot another bat. You will come to another grey trapdoor. Use dynamite, if you have any, to open it but ignore the opening for now.

Switch, Medipak and Dynamite

Climb over the wall. Shoot another snake. Careful the grey floor tiles will collapse and underneath is a spike trap. Jump over the gap. Use the switch at the end. Take a few steps back and climb onto the ledge on the left. Collect the large medipak and some dynamite. Then climb back down. Jump back over the gap and climb over the wall. You will come back to the grey trapdoor. Use dynamite to open it, if you haven't done so yet. If you didn't get and dynamite by the large medipak you can get it now.

Slide and Heavy Bullets

Then climb down the ladder. Follow the path to the right. At the end, you will find a slide. Slide down. Turn left. Make a roll to get into the chamber by pressing down and forwards. Pick up the Heavy Bullet and roll back out. Then turn right. Shoot the snake on the right and pick up the large medipak. Further on the right is another snake. Climb up the ladder. At the top you will find a save crystal.

Switch for orange trapdoors

Jump over to the left and use the switch. This opens the orange trapdoors. There is one just above you. Running jump to get up there. You might have to try this from the right side. Pull up. Run to the right and climb up the ladder. Run further right and also climb up the next ladder. At the top run further right. You will come past a previous save crystal. The other orange trapdoor is open as well. Drop down to get into the next level.
© Personal use only, no reproduction. Last changes: 04 Nov 2019, 21:08
by tombraidergirl
And here come the bloody tourists to spoil it all.