Saturday, 15. February 2025    


11. The Hidden City

Version: 2nd draft Note: Please note that the walkthrough for this level might change slightly, should I later decide to add more collectibles to the route taken. Task:
  • Join Unuratu in the Market District
  • Meet Etzli at the base of the mountain
  • Find the Silver Box of Ix Chel
  • Climb the Belly of the Serpent
  • Find the Silver Box of Ix Chel
  • Complete the Trial of the Serpent
  • Outrun the Cultist Soldiers
  • Return to Unuratu's Home
Region: The Hidden City, Belly of the Serpent, Head of the Serpent Finds: The Hidden City: To be determined
Head of the Serpent: 1 Mural

Join Unuratu in the Market District

At the beginning of the level you will obtain the trophy/achievement The Hidden City and will be rewarded with +500 XP. You have also discovered the base camp Unuratu's Home (1/11), which is located behind you. Follow your new acquaintance down the stairs and to the left.
Trophy/Achievement "Como Te Llama" (1/5): On the right side of the path you can see a llama. Using the melee button you can pet it and thus begin working on the "Como Te Llama" trophy/achievement, for which you will have to pet 5 llamas. After doing so quickly catch up to Unuratu an her son. [Screenshot], [Screenshot] There would be more to do around this area, like a relic in the hut opposite the llama. But let's not stray from the path just yet, because you will miss out on the conversations with Unuratu. Just keep in mind that there is more around Unuratu's hut.
When you come to the next set of stairs turn right and then on the next landing right again. The next stairs lead down to the right again and then left.
Trophy/Achievement "Como Te Llama" (2/5): You come by a second llama, where Etzli, Unuratu's son, will stop to pet it. Follow his example. [Screenshot], [Screenshot]
When crossing the bridge, Unuratu tells you she will meet you at the market, when you are ready to proceed. That's our cue to do some exploring.
Mission "Dice with the Dead: Find Takiy's Dice" (1): Just across the bridge from where you found the second llama, you will encounter a young boy, mourning the loss of his dice. Speak with him to start the mission. Your next task is to "Find Pisco the Dead". Pisco is found at the south-western end of Paititi. continue »
Head up the stairs to the left of the boy to find the market of Paititi.
You can now take the time to fulfil challenges and grab some collectibles, in and around the Market of Paititi, or you can choose to skip them ».
Merchant (1): Talk to the merchant on the left. He sells the Serpentwood Bow (4200), the Atlatl Bow (5800), the Hunter's Quiver (2200), Vestige: Mantle of Six Sky (5600) and Vestige: Kantu's Boots, besides Silent and Fire Arrows. I like getting the hunter's quiver here, but if you don't have a lot of money, you may save it for the knife upgrade sold by another merchant for 2900 gold pieces. If you've bought two pieces of equipment from the merchant in Kuwaq Yaku, this may reward you with the trophy/achievement Better Equipped.
Glitch Warning: The 100% Completion glitch, which stops you from completing all artifact collections and prevents you from getting Dr. Croft and Completionist, is believed to be occasionally caused by an over-full inventory. To minimise the risk of running into this glitch, I recommend you only buy those pieces of equipment, weapons and clothing you intend to use, until you have finished the game and obtained said two trophies/achievements.
Conversation (Optional): Now head over to the right side of where you entered the market. On the right side there is a kneeling woman selling fruits and grains, who tells you a bit about the market. Just beyond the stall you can pick up some cloth on the right side.
Trophy/Achievement "Como Te Llama" (3-4/5): Further along, also on the right side you will come to a merchant with two llamas. One in a pen down here, one up on the right. Pet both of them for the "Como To Llama" trophy/achievement. There is also a resource container with +15 XP behind the llama up on the right. [Screenshot], [Screenshot] (map location)
Resources: Head over to the stalls on the other side of the market. Behind the merchant slaughtering chicken you can collect some oil and black powder. You may notice the controller vibrating when collecting those things. This is from a survival cache behind the brick wall, outside the market. Further left, behind a merchant, you can pick up cloth.
Merchant (2): The stall furthest left is another merchant. This one sells the Satchel (2600) and the Knife Upgrade (2900). Buy the Knife Upgrade, if you have to funds, to obtain the Reinforced Knife. If you are a little shy, you may want to consider selling a few pieces of hardwood, perception, endurance or focus plants, which you can quickly fill up again from natural resources.
Resources: Across the path to the left, which is at the end of the row of stalls where the first merchant is, just further right from him, up a short set of stairs you can pick up a resource container worth an additional +15 XP.
Resources: Just to the right of it you can find a braided rope barrier you can cut, if you have purchased the knife upgrade. In the area behind, you can collect some gold, hide and some black powder.
Relic (1/28): Look at the stone tower on the right side of the path. You can duck under the low opening to enter the tower from the east. Inside you will find some jade ore and a chest with the relic Ceremonial Pipe from the set "Cult of Kukulkan" (1/11) You are rewarded with +25 XP and improve your knowledge of Yucatec. It also contains hidden information, examine the bowl to find it. Roll back outside. [Screenshot], [Screenshot]
Survival Cache (1/34): Run into the narrow passage behind the tower where you found the ceremonial pipe. Near the end, among some cages for small animals, you can dig up a survival cache, the one you felt vibrating through the wall. You will obtain +25 XP. [Screenshot], [Screenshot], [Screenshot] (map location)
Base Camp "Paititi Market" (2/11): Exit the passage on the other end, coming past more empty cages. Turn left and left again to find the base camp Paititi Market and obtain +25 XP. There are also two bundles of hardwood, some black powder and some medicine to find nearby. You could do some exploring of the rest of Paititi, but that would get us too far off course right now. Beyond the camp, where the second bundle of hardwood lies, turn into the alley on the left and then turn right to return to the pool of water where two boys are playing.
Turn right behind the pool.
Now it's time to continue with the story.

If you've decided to skip the exploration of the market and the area surrounding it, simply head straight from where you entered in the north-east to the south-east.

If you've left the path laid out in front of you, to explore Paititi, you should be advised, that you need to regroup with Unuratu and her son at the quest marker near the southern bridge spanning across the stream in Paititi. But if approaching the area from the wrong side (south) you can not get through the throng of people. Circle around the area clockwise to find the two on the north side of the marker.
Now approach the nearby gate where Unuratu and Etzli are waiting.
You will obtain +50 XP and a picture of Amaru for the set "Lara's Notebook" (6/11).

Meet Etzli at the Base of the Mountain

You now find yourself of the northern side of the commotion at the bridge. Head up the stone steps on the right-hand side, leaving the boatbuilder's district down on the left alone for now.
You can now take the time to fulfil challenges and grab some collectibles, in and around the Market of Paititi, or you can choose to skip them ».
Conversation (Optional): At the next corner you will find two men talking to one another. You can speak to the right one to learn that his wife is sick and that he is blaming the outsiders for the sickness spreading among his people.
Resources: Before we continue up the stairs on the right, run to the end of the alley to find a woman standing in front of a cage with two llamas. Unfortunately you can not pet them, as the cages are locked. Talk to the woman to learn that the llamas like to be petted. Collect the resource container worth an additional +15 XP over on the left side. Then return to the corner where the two men are.
Turn to the stairs leading up.
Challenge "Changing the Weather" (1/5): If you look up to the hut to the right of the stairs, you can see a beam with rope wrapped around and a frog totem dangling from it. Aim at the rope. Although it looks like you can not aim as Lara will not draw the bow while withing the limits of the town, you will get a white dot when pressing the aim button, move this dot over the rope and Lara will draw the bow with rope arrows. Shoot it to pull down the totem, get +10 XP and begin the challenge "Changing the Weather". [Screenshot] (map location)
Cross through the hut in which you will find two bundles of hardwood.
Challenge "Changing the Weather" (2/5): Out in the yard on the other side of the hut turn around. If you look over the door, you will spot the next frog totem. Again, aim at the rope coil to use a rope arrow and pull it down for +10 XP. [Screenshot] (map location)
Step out of the yard into the next alley.
Relic (2/28): To get the next relic we have to do a little backtracking, to a spot above the Paititi Market base camp, we left alone when we found the camp. Turn right, down the stairs and follow them around to the left. Enter the dyers house on the left side. There is a resource container for +15 XP and some cloth on the upper level. Below, on a grate with water underneath, you can find a small box holding the relic Chuspas from the set "Day in the Life of the Inca" (3/6). You're rewarded with +25 XP, and improve your understanding of Quechua.
Explorer Backpack (1): Do not leave the house yet. Instead find the water hole in the far right corner (west) of the lower level. [Screenshot] Jump into the water and dive down, into the catacombs underneath the house. En route you can grab a resource container for +15 XP. You emerge in a cave with a vein of jade ore . Pull out onto the left ledge, where a chalice is burning. Here you will find the Explorer Backpack which will add Survival Caches and a Treasure Chest to your map.
Relic (3/28): We're not done here yet, there is another relic to find before we leave. Climb up onto the higher ledge. Climb up into the tunnel. In the lit chamber behind you can pick up some gold and a small box holding the relic Burial Mask from the set "Metamorphosis" (5/9) rewarding you with +25 XP and improving your skills in Mam. [Screenshot], [Screenshot] (map location) Get back through the low tunnel to return to the water chamber. Swim to the left and climb out onto the ledge where you can collect an endurance plant. Climb up onto the next ledge and follow the tunnel into another house. Just outside on the roof to the right you can pick up some feathers. Exit into the yard where you will find a resource container with +15 XP on the left and a man with whom you can have a conversation about his trouble with the children messing up his house. Head down the stairs and turn right to get to the Paititi Market base camp again. Run up the large stairs in front of the dyers house again and follow it to the end and turn right to get back to where we were before collecting the two Relics and the Explorer Backpack.
Now run up the stairs, past the yard where the second frog totem was, to the top. On the landing there is an endurance plant on the right.
Trophy "Como Te Llama" (5/5): Turn to the left and run a few steps in that direction. Beyond the brick wall on the right you will find another llama you can pet to finally obtain the trophy/achievement Como Te Llama. [Screenshot], [Screenshot] (map location) Afterwards return to the spot where the endurance plant was.
Head up the short set of stairs to the right. There are people dancing on the right.
Conversation - Point of Interest (8): You can speak to a man on the left side. He points you to a crypt to the west of the town. Under the roof behind him you can find a resource container for +15 XP.
Challenge "Changing the Weather" (3/5): Just beyond the dancing people, on the left side, you will see another frog totem attached to a beam up on the house. It is just above the stairs leading further up. You will obtain another +10 XP. [Screenshot], [Screenshot], [Screenshot] (map location)
Mural (1/23): At the end of the yard, just ahead you will discover the mural First Contact from the set "Conquerors" (3/8). It will reward you with +35 XP and improve Lara's knowledge of Yucatec. [Screenshot]
Head up the stairs next to where the third frog totem was. In the hut in front you can pick up hardwood and medicine. Then turn left and head up the stairs to come to a yard where people are worshipping a Yucatec monolith. You will obtain +10 XP for discovering it, but you can not decipher it, yet. Instead collect the resource container with +15 XP on the right from where you entered.
Challenge "Changing the Weather" (4/5): Now head over the the left from where you entered. There is a stone arch leading to some stairs. Look up to the house on the left side. Above the window opening you can spot another beam with a frog totem you can pull down using rope arrows. You will obtain another +10 XP. At the foot of the hut you can also find a resource container with +15 XP. But afterwards return to the yard with the monolith. [Screenshot], [Screenshot], [Screenshot] (map location)
Mission "Dice with the Dead: Find Takiy's Dice" (2): Beyond the monolith, over to the left, where a red cloth serves as sun shade, you will find the entrance to a stone building where Pisco is living. Speak with him and he tells you to "Talk to 5 Outcasts", which will begin the sub-mission Seek Out the Outcasts.
Relic (4/28): While in Pisco's house get into the back chamber where there is also a Treasure Chest which you can not open, until you have obtained the lockpick. To the right of it is a smaller box containing the relic Patolli Mat, from the collection "Day in the Life of a Paititian" (1/7). It will reward you with +25 XP and improve your knowledge of Yucatec, elevating it to the next level, but unfortunately not sufficiently enough for the monolith in the yard nearby. Leave Pisco's house again. [Screenshot], [Screenshot] (map location)
Resources: Back in the yard find the water hole on the right (south-east) from Pisco's house. Jump into the water and dive down and through the gap in the wall. In the cave behind you can pry some jade ore from a vein in the wall. Dive back out.
Mission "Dice with the Dead: Seek Out the Outcasts" (1/5): Head up the stairs to the right (south), next to the small pool where you found the jade ore. At the top, on the left you will find a woman you can speak with. She will help you to further the mission.
Conversation - Point of Interest (9): She will also direct you to a point of interest, the Condor nest.
You can also collect a resource container with +15 XP, some fat and two perception plants in the vicinity.
Monolith (1/7) Yucatec: You will obtain +10 XP for discovering the next monolith here. You will receive +25 XP and the hint: Canals bring water to the arid parts of the village, and they washed me away. Said canal begins here, near the monolith and heads down the hill. But before we go looking for the monolith riches, let's continue with the mission.
Mission "Dice with the Dead: Seek Out the Outcasts" (2/5): Head out onto the stairs on the other side and follow them up to the right. On the landing, where you can find a perception plant on the left, turn right to find the next outcast a man who is working as a spy for the rebellion, just behind an endurance plant.
Conversation - Point of Interest (10): He will also point you to a gold deposit to the west. We've already been there, so no need to go back. The icon might still appear in bright white, but there is nothing to find, unless for some miraculous reason it re-spawns, which may sometimes happen.
We will leave the nearby caves, in which you can find a mural, a document and a relic for later. The same goes for the craggy wall leading up the cliff wall.
Challenge "Dropping Decimals" (1/3): Now turn to the stairs leading down and follow it for a few steps. Then turn to face right to see the monolith below. If you look up, you can see a so-called hanging quipus. Jump into its direction and use the grapple axe (PS4: Square, Xbox: X) to pull it down by swinging from it. You will obtain +15 XP and end up back at the monolith. [Screenshot] (map location)
Survival Cache (2/34): Near the monolith find the opening in the brick wall, where the canal heads down the hill. Look down to the scaffolding in the hut slightly to the right where you can spot a nest with feathers. Jump over there and hop down. Between the scaffolding and the side wall you can dig up another survival cache for +25 XP. After collecting it, scramble up the opposite wall in front of the scaffold to exit the enclosure. Hop down into the narrow canal between the houses. [Screenshot], [Screenshot], [Screenshot] (map location)
Challenge "Changing the Weather" (5/5): Exit the narrow canal between the houses at the lower end and turn right. Look up to the hut on the right, where you just found the cache, where the next frog totem awaits you. Use a rope arrow to pull it down and obtain +100 XP for completing the challenge.
Conversation (Optional): Climb down, following the water canal first to the right and then down again. Inside the hut here on the left you can speak with a woman sorting feathers. She will tell you how Paititi is changing and that she is thinking about leaving. There is also some hardwood just outside her hut and a resource container with +15 XP at the other end, one step further down.
Monolith Riches Survival Cache (3/34): Follow the stream further down the hill to a little reservoir. Hop down and find the monolith riches buried in the mud patch at the foot of the stairs. You will obtain +50 XP. [Screenshot], [Screenshot] (map location)
Conversation (Optional): Speaking to the woman with her daughter will reveal that the children of Paititi love to throw stones at guards.
Resources: Around the area you will find a resource container with +15 XP, and some hardwood by the fence.
Relic (5/28): Get through the braided rope barrier on the left side of the stairs, on the southern side. Using the reinforced knife, you hopefully acquired from the merchant earlier, you can cut through the ropes. Inside you will not only find some black powder and hide but also a small box holding the Dismantled Radio from the set "Secrets and Lies" (1/7), rewarding you with +25 XP. [Screenshot], [Screenshot] (map location)
Mission "Dice with the Dead: Seek Out the Outcasts" (3/5): While we're down here, head up the stairs (south-west) to come to a cave. Here you will discover the base camp Village Caves (3/11) and obtain +25 XP. [Screenshot] Speak to the woman to learn that she was outcast while covering for a small child who stole a jade necklace.
Conversation - Point of Interest (11): She will also point out a deposit of jade ore in the north of Paititi to you.
Document (2/42): In the same cave where you met the outcast woman, you can find a document on the table on the right. It is Unuratu's Coronation from the set "Rebellion of Paititi" (1/6). You'll gain +25 XP and improve your knowledge of Quechua. Grab the nearby fat, then leave the cave again.
Mission "Dice with the Dead: Seek Out the Outcasts" (4/5): Run past the mother talking to her daughter and then follow the stairs up to the left. At the top turn right. Run past the first hut on the right where you could pick up some hardwood and head down the stairs next to this hut to reach another derelict hut on the right where the fourth outcast is situated.
Conversation - Point of Interest (12): He will also reveal the Albino Capybara hunting ground to the west of Paititi.
Mission "Dice with the Dead: Seek Out the Outcasts" (5/5): Get back up the stairs, continue along the alley to the left coming past the llama you petted earlier. Here head down the next stairs to the right and return to the hut where you pulled down two of the frog totems. In the front yard you will now be able to talk to the final outcast, a travelling merchant.
Merchant (3): You will be able to buy quite a few items from her, the "Nep-14" automatic pistol, the "Laser Sight" for rifles, the "Crimson Huntress" outfit, the "Ascender", the "Lockpick", as well as "Venom" and "Dart Poison". Sell her all your gathered gold and jade ore and if necessary throw in some resources you can easily collect again, to hopefully be able to buy at least the Lockpick. From now on I will assume you own the lockpick. Note, that this merchant will travel around, you can find her at many different places throughout Paititi, but also in Kuwaq Yaku and later throughout the game. [Merchant Locations]
Mission "Dice with the Dead: Seek Out the Outcasts" (6): Now it's time to return to Pisco. Head up the stairs again and turn right to run past the dancing people. Out in the next yard follow the stairs on the left, where there was a frog totem, further up. Run up to the left, back to the square where the monolith is being worshipped. Find Pisco's house at the back. The entrance is up the stairs. After talking to him you will get Takiy's dice from him.
Treasure Chest (1/3): With the lockpick you have hopefully acquired from the travelling merchant, the fifth outcast you have met, open the Treasure Chest at the back of Pisco's house. You will obtain the Airplane from the set "Myth, Magic & Monsters" (5/8). It will improve your knowledge of Quechua. Leave Pisco's house again.
Mission "Dice with the Dead: Find Takiy's Dice" (3): Your final task in the multi-part mission "Dice with the Dead" is to "return the dice to Takiy". Remember, he is at the western end of the wooden bridge down by the market. Make your way down the hill to reach the Paititi Market base camp, from there make your way across the market and find Takiy on the other side. Speak with him to complete the mission (2/8). Afterwards return to the square where the monolith is worshipped and where Pisco's house is.
Now head up the stairs to the right of Pisco's house to arrive in front of the temple where Etzli is waiting for you.
Conversation (Optional): The woman on the right is not really helpful, but there is some hardwood on the left.
Challenge "Dropping Decimals" (2/3): Let's take a short detour to the next object for the "Dropping Decimals" challenge. Take the main stairs on the right down. Keep straight, heading onto the grassy patch on the left besides the narrow stairs leading down, coming by some hardwood. As soon as your feet touch the wooden walkway, before you reach a nest with feathers turn to face left (north). Above you can spot the next hanging quipus. Again jump into its direction and use the grapple axe to pull it down. You will obtain another +15 XP. [Screenshot], [Screenshot] (map location) Turn around to face south and step through the arch. Collect the resource container with +15 XP on the left. But then head up the stairs on the right (west) and follow them all the way to the top to return to the temple.
Base Camp "Temple District" (4/11): Over on the right you can find the base camp Temple District (4/11) and earn +25 XP.
Survival Cache (4/34): In the nearby corner, between some rocks you can dig up another Survival Cache and earn +25 XP in the process. [Screenshot], [Screenshot] (map location)
Resource: Inside the little pool you can find some gold ore and near the steps to the temple is a resource container with +15 XP.
Challenge "Keep Calm and Carrion" (1/3): On the right side of the temple you can find a craggy wall you can climb up to reach an area above. Scramble up the wall, then attach the axe. At the top, collect the Condor feathers on the right. You will be rewarded with +15 XP. [Screenshot], [Screenshot] (map location)
Relic (6/28): A little further along, beyond a pile of jade ore on the left, you can find a pedestal, also on the left side, with a small box. Inside you will find Incense Burner from the set "Day in the Life of a Paititian" (2/7). You will improve your knowledge of Yucatec and earn +25 XP. The relic holds hidden information. Look at the top of the item to find that is still smells of copal. [Screenshot], [Screenshot] (map location)
Mural (2/23): At the end of this ledge you will find the Silver-Crowned Mountain from the collection "Metamorphosis" (6/9). You will improve your knowledge of Mam and earn +35 XP. Afterwards return to the square in front of the temple below. [Screenshot], [Screenshot] (map location)
Conversation (Optional): Speak to the man standing in front of the temple, who reveals that he believes in the rebels' cause.
Now it's time to continue with the story.

If you've decided to skip the exploration make your way up the hill on the south-western side of Paititi. Head up the stairs to reach the temple district.
Head up the steps to the temple.

Find the Silver Box of Ix Chel

But before you enter through the narrow gap, grab the relic.
Relic (7/28): Turn around and look to the right side of the entrance. There you will find some hardwood and a small box containing a Whistle from the collection "Day in the Life of a Paititian" (3/7). You will gain +25 XP and improve your knowledge of Yucatec. [Screenshot], [Screenshot] (map location)
Now enter the temple through the narrow gap. You earn +150 XP.
Document (3/42): On the left side you will find the document Troubled Lands from the set "Founding Paititi" (2/7). It will improve your knowledge of Mam and reward you with +25 XP. [Screenshot], [Screenshot] (map location)
Over on the right lies some gold ore. Continue further into the temple.
Relic (8/28): On a pedestal straight ahead you can find the next relic, Macuahuitl from the collection "Cult of Kukulkan" (2/11). It contains hidden information. Examine the sharp obsidian teeth to spot the blood stains. Collecting it will improve your knowledge of Yucatec and reward you with +25 XP. A bit to the left from the relic you can find a resource container with +15 XP. [Screenshot], [Screenshot] (map location)
Get into the passage on the left and follow it out into a cave. Use the horizontal bar to swing to the craggy wall, where you attach the axe. Rappel down, then swing with the rope to reach the ledge. Collect the endurance plant and further down the resource container with +15 XP by the burning chalice. Then use the grapple axe to swing across the two anchor points and reach the ledge on the other side. You will find the base camp Belly of the Serpent (5/11) and obtain +25 XP. In the corner behind the burning chalice you can pick up some hardwood (unless you are in desperat need of it, it seems), and to the left of the stairs another endurance plant.
Resource: Then cut the braided rope barrier on the right and drop down into the chamber beyond. Here you can find another endurance plant and two piles of jade ore. Then scramble up the wall you came down and climb back up to the camp.
Head up the stairs.
Document (4/42): At the top, on the ledge in front, you can collect the next document Trinity Arrives from the collection "Subjugating Paititi" (1/8). You'll obtain +25 XP. [Screenshot], [Screenshot], [Screenshot] (map location)
Now enter the opening on the right. Sneak through the low passage to come out in a cave.
Mural (3/23): On the left wall you will find the next mural, Unuratu's Uprising from the collection "Rebellion of Paititi" (2/6). You're rewarded with +35 XP and improve your knowledge of Quechua. [Screenshot], [Screenshot] (map location)
Then squeeze through the opening in the back, to the right of where the mural is.
Belly of the Serpent

Climb the Belly of the Serpent

Step out onto the narrow beam, which collapses partially. From its end jump towards the wall ahead and immediately perform a double jump to reach the handhold in the cliff wall. Climb up the ledges and over to the right, where you can climb higher up. Pull up, onto the ledge. Walk along the ledge and step out onto the beam. From its end jump towards the wooden contraption ahead. Lara swings to the craggy wall, use the axe to grab hold. Rappel down and run along the wall to jump to the wooden cage on the left. Climb up to the top and jump towards the second cage. Perform a saving grab, then climb up. One of the wooden boards breaks off, sending Lara down again. Jump up and climb to the top. Jump against the wall in front and jump again to reach the ledge. Climb up onto the ledge. Walk along the narrow ledge to the left. From the end jump off and use the grapple axe to grab the ledge above. Climb up the rope and climb the ledges. Jump up to the protruding ledge above. Crouch into the low passage and sneak along. At the end scramble up the wall and jump up to the craggy part. Use the axe to climb up to the ledge at the top. Traverse to the left. Jump past the gap to the ornate ledge. Perform a saving grab. Jump past the next gap. Then climb over to the craggy wall and from there rappel down to the wooden platform below. Enter the temple. Follow the corridor. At the end turn right and squeeze into the disgusting chute there. You will come out in a chamber where a Cultist is working on his latest victim. Sneak up on him from behind and perform a stealth takedown. Loot him, then optionally examine the victim. Then head into the corner at the back on the right. Here you can break through the weak wall using the axe. Squeeze through the gap.
Head of the Serpent

Find the Silver Box of Ix Chel

At the beginning of this section you are rewarded with +150 XP. When talking with Jonah, you will also obtain the photo Queen Unuratu from the set "Lara's Notebook" (7/11). Step out onto the protruding ledge. Jump ahead and throw out the grapple axe to attach to the craggy wall overhead. Rappel down and swing to the ledge.

Complete the Trial of the Serpent

Mural (1/1): Over on the right wall you can find the mural Awaits from the collection "Homecoming" (1/6). It will improve your knowledge of Mam and reward you with +35 XP.
Resources: You can also collect some salvage close to the edge on the left, some cloth by the lever, some fat at the burner nearby the cloth and a resource container with +15 XP up in the corner on the right. Optionally you can examine the table to find out how the oil was used.
Now use a rope arrow to pull the lever up on the left side by the empty pool to fill it with oil. Then push the lever attached to the snake head to light a spark and set the pool on fire. It will burn through the large barrier and you are rewarded with +50 XP. Step through the gate and follow the tunnel. At the end you will come to a drop. Jump to the craggy wall in front of you and rappel down. Don't be alarmed, when Lara turns off her torch mid-jump. From the lower end, drop down into the blood-letting chamber.
Resources: Hop down onto the platform besides the stairs, below the level with the pool of oil but above the level with the pillars. Turn to face left. Below you can see a ledge with an opening in the wall leading into a chamber. Hop down. Inside you will find some cloth and on the altar some jade ore. After collecting all, return to the edge, jump against the wall in front and perform a double jump to grab the top ledge and pull up.
Head down to the two pillars to examine them. Notice how the channels lead down from the pool above, and are dispersed around the pillars. Your task is to turn the two pillars so the channels are re-aligned and the oil can fill the pool in front of the barrier. Stand by the rope-wrapped part of the lower pillar and tether it to the upper one. Now make your way to the upper pillar and turn it in either direction for two rotation. Then cut the rope and turn the upper pillar anti-clockwise once, so the handle points away from the lower pillar (to the north). [Screenshot], [Screenshot]
Pillar Alignment
Now make your way back up and pull the rope lever to fill the pool up here with oil. It will flow down through the channels and fill the pool in front of the barrier. Next, push the lever attached to the snake head to light a spark and set the oil on fire and burn down the next barrier and earn +250 XP. Step through.
In the chamber, Lara will examine a diorama and obtain a serpent key. Lara will then jump into the irrigation system which will get her back outside. She will find Etzli hiding from the Cultists, but he is caught and Lara is chased by them.
The Hidden City

Outrun the Cultist Soldiers

Run ahead and up the stairs. Run up the wooden ramp on the right and at the upper end jump to the horizontal bar to swing to the top of the stairs. Enter the building ahead, which Lara exits to the right. Jump up to the wooden scaffolding in front of you and pull up. Perform a double jump to get further up. Follow the wooden walkway. Jump to the next part of the scaffolding, pull up and run along it. Jump to the horizontal bar to swing to the next scaffold. Lara will grab the ledge but it will collapse and send her down. Run into the next hut. Run further along and through the next hut. At the end Lara is grabbed by a cultist and the two crash through the roof below. Lara is the only one who survives the fall and the other Cultists are too stupid to find her here. She earns +150 XP.

Return to Unuratu's Home

Exit the catacombs underneath the house to emerge back near the Paititi Market base camp, which is slightly to the right.
Conversation - Point of Interest (13): At the corner just to the right of the base camp you can find a woman you can speak with. She will point you to a mission beginning inside Unuratu's house. [Screenshot], [Screenshot] (map location)
But after checking up on your skills and gear (and saving your game when playing on Deadly Obsession), make your way along the road to the left (north) instead.
You can now take the time to fulfil challenges and grab some collectibles on your way back to Unuratu's house, or you can choose to skip them ».
Mural (4/23): Where the large gate opens up to the right, onto the market, look left. There is a pool of water here where you will find the mural Shielding the Serpent from the set "Metamorphosis" (7/9). You will improve your knowledge of Mam and earn +35 XP. [Screenshot], [Screenshot], [Screenshot] (map location) This may unlock the next mam monolith.
Resources: Follow the road further. In the hut left of the road, as well as against the wall on the right you can find resource containers with +15 XP each. And there is also some cloth on the right.
Conversation (Optional): The woman on the right, just a few steps from the cloth by the wooden cages, will complain about a merchant.
Step out onto the short wooden bridge spanning across a trench.
Survival Cache (5/34): You may feel a vibrating in your controller, so jump off the wooden platform to the right and get underneath it, where you can dig up the next Survival Cache and obtain +25 XP. Near the entrance to the alcove you can pick some hardwood. [Screenshot], [Screenshot], [Screenshot] (map location)
Mural (5/23): Now head out across the field towards the left (north). Across the path, in the corner of the brick wall you will come upon the next mural, titled Founding of Paititi from the set "Founding Paititi" (3/7). It will improve your knowledge of Mam and reward you with +35 XP. [Screenshot], [Screenshot], [Screenshot] (map location)
Survival Cache (6/34): With your face towards the mural turn left and look up the hill. Head up there, towards the elevated level to the right of the pig enclosure. Climb up onto it, where you can dig up a Survival Cache for +25 XP. [Screenshot], [Screenshot], [Screenshot] (map location)
Now head down the street and cross the wooden bridge at the end to get to the eastern side of Paititi.
Conversation (Optional): The man sitting on a clay pot on the other end of the bridge warns you of the cultists.
Head up the stairs on the left.
Resources: If you like, you can grab some hardwood over on the right and a resource container with +15 XP in the shelter across the road from there. Close to the wall, by the rope ladder - which we will ignore for now - you can grab a perception plant and more hardwood from a tree and on the left, by the stairs, is a second perception plant.
Take the stairs to the left up.
Document (5/42): On the rack just to the left of the stairs you can find the document Famine from the collection "Rebellion of Paititi" (3/6). You'll improve your knowledge of Quechua, reaching the next level, and earn +25 XP. [Screenshot], [Screenshot] (map location)
Relic (9/28): Just to the right of the document, on the ground, you can find a small box holding the relic Chaki Taklla from the set "Day in the Life of the Inca" (4/6). It will earn you +25 XP and again improve your knowledge of Quechua. [Screenshot], [Screenshot] (map location)
Document (6/42): Get into the niche where there is another rope ladder and a perception plant and exit it to the left. Follow the stairs a few steps down then face the right wall and scramble up to reach the ledge above. Climb to the top. Here you will find the document El Dorado from the collection "Search for the Hidden City" (6/8) on the right. You will obtain +25 XP. [Screenshot], [Screenshot], [Screenshot] (map location)
Explorer's Backpack (2): Just to the left of the document and next to some hardwood is an Explorer's Backpack which will reveal the locations of several survival caches on the map. Hop back onto the stairs and run back up to the left. [Screenshot], [Screenshot] (map location)
In the alcove take the rope ladder up to cut the climb to Unuratu's house short.
Challenge "Keep Calm and Carrion" (2/3): At the top, after scaling the rope ladder, turn around and look towards the thatched roof. Take a jump over there to collect the next Condor feathers from the nest there and obtain +15 XP. Jump back towards the rope ladder and climb up again. [Screenshot], [Screenshot], [Screenshot] (map location)
Follow the short path up.
Survival Cache (7/34): Immediately turn left to get to a circular wall. Around the edge you can collect some hardwood on the left and a resource container with +15 XP on the other side. But drop down into the depression, to dig up a Survival Cache and obtain +25 XP. [Screenshot], [Screenshot], [Screenshot] (map location) There is also a perception plant near the cliff wall.
Now make your way over to the right to where the llama is.
Relic (10/28): Head up the stairs into the house on the left. Inside you will find a small box with the relic Metatl from the collection "Day in the Life of a Paititian" (4/7). It will improve your knowledge of Yucatec and reward you with +25 XP. Leave the house again. [Screenshot], [Screenshot], [Screenshot] (map location)
Conversation - Point of Interest (14): Speak to the woman in the hut behind the llama to find out that the young people of Paititi have found something in the hills to the west. A crypt will be added to your map. [Screenshot], [Screenshot] (crypt location)
Now it's time to continue with the story.

If you've decided to skip the exploration make your way back across the wooden bridge to the eastern side of the river and up the hill to Unuratu's house where the level began.
Head up the stairs to the left of the house with the relic to return to Unuratu.
Lara reports Etzli's capture but Unuratu is one step ahead and is already working on a plan. Lara shows her the serpent key, which Unuratu thinks belongs to the Mountain Temple.
© Personal use only, no reproduction. Last changes: 24 Mar 2024, 15:59
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