Friday, 7. March 2025    


10. Obelisk of Khamoon

Lever for the Eye of Horus

Run up the passage and you come to a chamber with a pool. In the center is a column with four little alcoves with artefacts in them. They can be reached by the bridges once they are lowered. Run over to the right wall where the Eye of Horus is displayed above a lever. Use this Eye of Horus Lever. Use it to lower the first bridge. Then collect the Small Medipack left behind the column.

Eye of Horus

Run across the bridge and collect the Eye of Horus from the alcove.

Column with 4 Artefacts - Middle and Lower Level

Jump into the water. Alternatively you can climb down the ladder. - At the foot of the ladder you can find an audio commentary crystal if they are turned on.
Find: Collect the 50 Caliber Pistol Ammo behind the column closest to the ladder. Then swim over to the other side. Behind the second column from the right you can find a Small Medipack.
Swim to the entrance with the Ankh Symbol. Run into the passage till you come to the first trap.

Ankh Passage (1)

Run through the stomping doors quickly. In the chamber at the end turn left and run through the next stomping doors into the next chamber. Turn left again and run through the double stomping doors there. Turn right an run into the next chamber.

Ankh Passage (2)

Run over to the right, behind the stairs, underneath the lever you can find Shotgun Ammo. Then from the top of the stairs jump to the lever. On top of the stairs is another audio commentary crystal. A column behind your back is lowered. However it is timed and will start to rise once you leave the lever. Jump backwards onto the stairs and quickly run to the column, jump onto its top before it rises without you. Turn left and jump to the horizontal bar. Swing to the ledge in the wall. Jump up to the ledge above and to the third as well. (1) Jump to the U-shaped platform behind you. Jump from one (2a) end to the other (2b) and on, to the platform in the corner. (3) Turn right and jump over to the platform there. It might look far, but you can make it. Turn to the opposite side - unless you want to miss a lever for a secret - and jump across. Use the lever you can find at the back, on the left. A horizontal bar right of a platform above is extended and a time run will ensue. Jump across to the platform on the left side. Jump as far to the right end as you can, to save some time. Hang from the ledge of the column and shimmy around to the right. There jump up one ledge. Jump backwards over to the other side. Shimmy around to the opposite side. Do not pull up or the darts might hurt you. There jump backwards to the next ledge. Shimmy around to the right and jump up to hang from the top ledge. Jump over to the right, to the crevice in the wall there. Jump to the right, towards the horizontal bar. Swing to the walkway. You come past a checkpoint. If you die and end up here but still want to get the secret, drop down one level and use the lever again. Start at the beginning of the paragraph again.

Ankh Passage (3)

Run to the end of the walkway and jump up to the left wall. Jump up to the gap above and then backwards to the retracting platform. Quickly pull up and jump to the next platform with the thin columns. Get past the first column - if necessary shimmy past it, hanging from the front ledge - and hang from the back ledge to shimmy past the hole in the walkway. When you are below the second column, jump up and grab its ledge. Shimmy around to the left and jump towards the column behind your back. Let go to hang from the lower ledge and shimmy around to the right. Pull up when past the column. Take a running jump ahead and to the wall on the right to grab the ledge. Shimmy left and jump to the upper ledge. Shimmy further left - but not all the way, otherwise Lara might be stopped from jumping backwards. Jump back and use the grapple to run along the wall. Hopefully you have enough momentum to jump to the crevice in the next wall straight away. Jump at the highest point. Once you reached the other crevice, shimmy to the left end. From there jump over to the next crevice. Shimmy left till the thin column is behind you. Jump towards it and Lara will grab hold at the top. Shimmy around to the other side and jump backwards to the next column. You could also pull up and go across, however the darts might hit you. Shimmy around to the right once and jump up twice to reach the top ledge. Pull up and face the upper ledge. Jump there and pull up.
Secret (Artifact): Quickly jump to the horizontal bar on the right, if it is still extended and swing to the platform on the other side. Behind the rocks in the middle of the platform you can pick up the next artifact. Use the horizontal bar to swing back to the previous platform.
Jump to the left horizontal bar and swing to the entrance.

Ankh Passage (4)

Collect the large Medipack behind the column on the left side of the entrance. Then step through. Run up the passage into the next chamber. Here you need to kill a cat mummy.

Ankh Passage (5)

Step towards the next passage. Ahead are two horizontal bars.
Find: Lower yourself down into the lower part of the passage. Run to the end to collect Shotgun Ammo and a Small Medipack. Then get back up at the other end, using the ladder.
This next part requires speed. Jump to the first horizontal bar, immediately jump to the second and from there to the moving ledge in the wall. Quickly jump up to the ledge above. If Lara won't jump the first time, you might need to reduce the graphics effects and/or resolution. Shimmy to the left end and jump to the stairs. Run up into the next chamber. There turn left and run past the two stomping walls as soon as the front one opens. Turn right and jump through the next trap of stomping walls, this time threatening you from above and below, when they part. Run out into the room. You are back by the obelisk with the four artefacts.

Lever for the Ankh of Isis (Column with 4 Artefacts - Upper Level)

Here you could turn left or right. As the gate of the passage on the left is blocked, turn right first. Jump up to the crevice in the wall there. Jump up to the upper ledge and shimmy to the left end. Jump over to the upper of the ledges further left. Shimmy to the left end and there jump backwards to the horizontal pole. Swing to the next platform. Use the Ankh Lever you find here. Another of the bridges is lowered and the door on the opposite opens. We will get the now obtainable ankh later.

Column with 4 Artefacts - Upper Level

Turn back and jump from the platform to the horizontal pole and on to the crevice in the wall. Lara will grab the lower ledge. Jump up to the upper, there shimmy right and jump to the second upper ledge. Drop back towards the platform where you came out earlier. Go to the other side of the archway and jump to the lowest part of the ledge. Shimmy right, past the crumbling part and around the corner. You may just shimmy on, past the next collapsing part and till the platform is below you. Drop onto it. Run into the passage. When you turn left you will be greeted by rotating blades coming out of the walls on both sides. Luckily you can simply crawl through underneath. Advance to the pit. Ahead is a horizontal bar and again there are rotating blades in the walls. Wait for the rotating blades to retract into the wall, then jump to the bar and immediately swing over to the other side. Pull up. Turn right and run to the end of the passage.

High Room with Slide/Stairs - Getting Down

You come out at the top of a very high room with a slide on the left. On the opposite side is an entrance you cannot reach from here. Slide down. Above you is an unfortunately retracted grapple spot. As you cannot use it yet, you need to slide down all the way. Kill the cat mummy lurking below. Then collect the Shotgun Ammo lying on the ground.
Find: Run into the passage opposite the slide you came down. Inside you can pick up a Small Medipack. Collect it before you return outside.
Then climb into the window alcoves on the opposite wall. In the left one is another Small Medipack and in the right one you will find a lever that opens two gates and transforms the slide into stairs.

High Room with Slide/Stairs - Getting Back Up (1)

Ignore the passage left of the window alcove where the small medipack was for now. Instead, pull out the crate from the alcove on the other side and leave it in front of it. Run behind it to collect another Small Medipack. Then climb onto the crate and jump up to the ledge above it. Jump up to the second ledge. Shimmy to the left end. There jump to the left and throw out the grapple. Swing from side to side. Jump towards the platform above on the right. Alternatively you can jump to the moving ledge on the left and from there up and over to the walkway on the left. You can climb the stairs to collect Mini SMG Ammo and a Small Medipack, however we will get there soon, after collecting the next artifact, so it is logical to collect it all in one go. Run towards the crevice in the wall on the other side of the stairs. Jump up to it. Jump up to the second crevice and shimmy to the left end. Look behind you and watch the rotating blade. As soon as it appears in the wall, immediately jump behind you and use the grapple to run along the wall to the moving ledge. Jump up to grab the solid ledge above. The next ledge above is too high to be reached from here. Look over to the left. There is another rotating blade in the wall. Wait for it to disappear and then immediately jump ahead and use the grapple to run along the wall. Run once to the left and back to the right and immediately jump to the upper ledge. If you miss it and land on the lower ledge again, repeat it, but do not run along the wall for longer as the blades will come out again. From the upper ledge jump up to the top one. Then watch the rotating blades in the wall behind you. As soon as the first one allows, jump backwards and run along the wall, using the grapple. Jump at the other side, past the second blade and grab the ledge at the stairs. Shimmy right and pull up. Climb onto the top step to pass the checkpoint.

Lever for the Seal of Anubis

Turn to look down the stairs. Jump ahead and use the grapple to run along the wall. This might work best from the third step from the top. At the other end, jump over to the right and throw out the grapple to the next grapple spot.
Secret (Artifact): Stop running and let the rope come to rest. Look down. Below, slightly to the right lies an artifact on the step. Start to run to the right and immediately release the rope to drop down. Collect the Artifact. Then slide down onto the lower step. Collect the Small Medipack, then get down onto the step below and pick up the Mini SMG Ammo. Get back down and take all the way back up till you are hanging from the second grapple spot, where you dropped down to get the secret.
This time run to the right and jump to the platform there. Turn to the left wall and jump up the two ledges. Then turn to the entrance on the left and jump over. Run into the passage. Follow the passage to the end and you will come to the Anubis Lever, on the left side of the doorway, that lowers the bridge for the Seal of Anubis.

High Room with Slide/Stairs - Getting Down (2)

The door leads back out on the upper level of the room with the Obelisk and the four bridges. You can shortcut here and safe yourself the trouble of going through the next traps, by jumping down into the water and climbing the ladder up to the lever of the Eye of Horus. When up there, step onto the bridge and jump across to the bridges on the right to collect the Seal of Anubis. Skip the rest of this and the next paragraph.) Turn around and run back through the passage. At the end use the grapple to swing across to the ledge in the wall. Shimmy right and around the corner to get back to the top of the stairs. Get back down. This time, step into the passage next to the window alcove where the small medipack was. Follow it to the next set of traps.

Seal of Anubis

In front is a set of stomping doors. Wait for them to open, then run through. There is a narrow ledge you can stand on between the doors and the pit. From there jump onto the top of the first pole. It is relatively safe, you only need to press Interaction when Lara threatens to lose her balance. Watch the rotating blades and the stomping doors at the second and third pole. Jump on to the second pole as soon as the rotating blades move into the wall. Wait here for the stomping doors to open then quickly jump to the third pole and press Interaction while in the air to immediately regain balance when arriving on top of the pole. You will lose too much time if you need to do so after arriving there. Immediately jump again to reach the safe passage. Run outside. You come out of the Anubis Passage. Collect the Small Medipack on the right. Then run out onto the bridge and collect the Seal of Anubis.

Getting Across to the Bridge for the Ankh

Run back to the passage marked with the two Anubis dogs and instead of entering - which makes no sense, since you come out of it, when you have taken the long road - face left. Jump to the first horizontal bar and on to the second. Swing towards the balcony with the columns. Run along and on the other side. Collect the Shotgun Ammo by the second last and the Small Medipack by the last column, then use the two horizontal bars to get onto the third lowered bridge. You can also shortcut here, by simply jumping from one bridge to the other.

Ankh of Isis

Collect the Small Medipack by the entrance and the Ankh of Isis from the niche at the column in the middle.

Scarab Passage

Now run into the passage behind you, the one marked with a scarab. Turn around the right bend and crawl through underneath the rotating blades. At the edge, stand up and jump onto the top of the pole ahead. Jump over to the other side and pull up. Jump through the stomping walls. Run to the next pit. Here look at the next set of stomping walls. You need to jump onto the pole between them and on to the passage on the other side. Wait for the doors to part before you jump. Press Interaction while in the air so Lara will land there perfectly balanced and ready to jump on. On the other side, follow the passage. Turn left and you come out into a large room with traps - luckily deactivated at the moment - and a couple of cat mummies below.

Scarab Passage (2) - The Large Room with Three Cat Mummies

Up on the left wall is a pull down wall lever that would extend a ledge right underneath that would enable you to continue, but it would also activate countless traps in this room, so ignore it, we will find another path. Get up onto the second step on the left. From there lower yourself onto the block in front, below. Lower yourself down the ledges on the side. From the platform below, slide down the rocks to the bottom of the room. Here you need to kill three cat mummies. Then look around. Opposite the dog statue is an entrance with ledges below. Hang from the lowest ledge and jump up to the ledge above and once more to the entrance above. Pull up.

Lever for the Scarab of Osiris

Enter the passage. We will explore the rest of the large room later. Run along till you come to the next set of traps. Around the corner on the right four rotating blades await you. They are moving back and forth in sets of two, one of them on the upper level, the other on the lower. You need to get past. I found it easiest to wait for the upper ones to come towards you and roll through underneath then run to the other end and jump over the lower set. Run along the passage to the next pit. This is trap filled. At the front and at the back a rotating blade is moving from the left to the right and back again. In between are three stomping doors with pillars between each. The first one closes first, then the second, then the third. Wait for the first to open, then jump to the first pillar. Press Interaction while in the air to land on the first pillar and keep your balance. Quickly jump to the second, again pressing Interaction while in the air and in the same fashion to the third. Then jump to the gap in the wall ahead. Shimmy to either side and wait for the rotating blade overhead to move aside. Then jump up and climb out of the pit. Follow the passage to the Scarab Lever at the end, behind a fence. Through the fence you can look into the chamber with the obelisk. By using the lever you will lower the final bridge.

Way back from the Lever of Osiris

Run back to the pit. The way back is a little different, as the way the stomping walls open and close will be the other way around. Jump onto the top of the first pole as soon as you can, there stay calm and wait till the doors just in front close. As soon as they open, quickly jump onto the next pole. Again wait till the third doors have closed and are opening, then jump onto the final pole and continue towards the ledge ahead. Shimmy to the side and wait for the rotating blades to move away to jump up. Follow the passage back to the four rotating blades. Again dive under the higher blades when they come towards you, to the end and jump over the lower ones. Run out into the room again.

Two Secrets

Turn right and jump towards the platform in the corner. From there jump up to the ledge overhead. Shimmy left, as far as you can. By the gap drop down to the lower ledge. Shimmy left and jump up again at the end. Shimmy further left. I hope you have left the lever at the top alone, otherwise this path will be trap-infested and a real pain.
Secret (Artifact): Shimmy around the corner. At the end of the ledge, jump further to the left, to the next lower ledge. Shimmy around the corner and there pull up into the alcove to collect the Artifact. Drop down into the chamber again. Again climb up the two ledges to the entrance that led to the lever of Osiris, jump towards the ledge in the wall again and climb along the ledges to the left end of the wall.
Jump up to the ledge above and pull yourself up. Climb onto the pedestal in the left corner and from there jump up to the ledge in the left wall. Shimmy left. From the end jump across the gap to the next ledge. Pull up onto the platform. Turn to the right wall and jump up twice to pull up to the entrance of the next passage. Run up the passage. If you run through this passage from the other side, a cat mummy might appear. At the top, jump towards the gap in the wall ahead. Jump up to the upper gap and from there backwards to the platform behind you. Pull up. Turn right. At the wall there is a grapple spot. Jump there and run along the wall.
Find: Jump onto the platform at the other end. Collect the Large Medipack and the Shotgun Ammo. Then jump back to the grapple spot.
Secret (Artifact): Climb up (or down) till your feet are level with the hands of the figures in the image on the wall. Then run along the wall a couple of times to gain enough momentum. Then, when you are up on the right, jump backwards from the wall, to the platform behind you. Lara will barely grab hold. Pull up. This is safe, if you have not activated the traps in this room. Jump towards the crevice in the wall on the left. Shimmy to the right end and from there jump onto the horizontal pole. Swing to the next platform and pull up. Collect the Artifact and the 50 Caliber Pistol Ammo on this platform. Then jump down to the platform on the left side of the grapple spot again.
Lower yourself back onto the walkway below and run through the tunnel. You will meet a cat mummy on your way down. At the other end, climb down on the right side. Then hang from the front ledge. Shimmy left and jump to the next ledge there. Drop onto the platform in the corner and from there climb down to the ground again. This time run to the platform left from the dog statue. Hang from the lower ledge and jump up to the platform. Pull up onto the platform. Turn left and jump to the grapple spot. Run along the wall and jump to the left to reach the upper walkway there. Pull up and hang from the ledge in the left corner. Jump up to the ledge above and shimmy around to the left. Jump up once more and again to reach the top. Pull up. Jump to the platform on the left (coming up ahead) and pull up.

Exiting the Chamber

Run into the passage. Stop at the pit. Wait for the walls to part and then jump onto the pillar between. Press Interaction while in the air to keep your balance once you land on top of the pillar. Quickly jump to the other side. Jump through the next wall-trap. On the other side, at the pit, jump onto the next pillar and over to the other side. There crawl underneath the rotating blades. Run out into the main room again.

Scarab of Osiris

Turn left and use the two horizontal bars to get over to the platform with the columns. Run out onto the bridge. Alternatively you can shortcut by simply jumping across from bridge to bridge. Collect the Scarab of Osiris from the niche. Now that you have collected all four artefacts, a gate in the water below opens.

Leaving the Area

Jump down. Dive into the tunnel you find nearby the Ankh doorway. Dive down and straight ahead. There is nothing in the alcoves on the sides, as the fish indicates. Dive up in the chamber at the end. Pull out onto the platform. Collect the Small Medipack and the Mini SMG Ammo. Then use the lever in the wall. The trapdoor at the top of the ladder opens and the statues in the hallway we have been to earlier, move out of the way.

Level End

Climb up the ladder. At the top run to the right and there into the passage on the left side. Follow the passage all the way to the end, till you come out by the big Obelisk again. Shoot the centaur patrolling here. After the fight, use all four artefacts at the obelisk to open the big gate.
© Personal use only, no reproduction. Last changes: 01 Sep 2018, 22:59
by tombraidergirlnext
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