Monday, 9. September 2024    


15. Temple of Xian

Gaming Time: 1 hour 15 minutes Finds: 3 secrets


Run straight on till you reach the pedestal with the dagger. The platform right in front will tip down and Lara will drop. Grab the ledge to slow the fall. Let go to continue sliding. In the stone chute is a blade you have to jump over. Slide through the next stone chute onto the water slide.
Secret 1 (Golden Dragon): Jump and make a roll in mid-air to get Lara to turn around. Grab the ledge of the waterfall and shimmy left. Climb into the alcove. Collect the Golden Dragon.
Drop into the water. The current will take Lara down another waterfall. Swim towards the wooden platform and pull yourself up. Shoot the two golden catfish.

Roof of the Temple

Jump into the water and dive through the opening in the rocks. Dive towards the temple and get out of the water. Shoot the two tigers. On the left side - looking towards the temple - of the lake on the rocks you'll find some shotgun ammo. On the left side of the temple is a springboard which will take you up to the roof of the temple. Go around the roof to the other side. Activate the trigger there. Shoot the eagle. Jump back down. Dive back towards the wooden platform.

Room filled with Lava

Climb the ladder. Shoot the spiders in the passage. At the top turn around, jump back and grab the ledge. Climb down the ladder. Let go from the bottom end and grab the next ledge. Shimmy left. Pull yourself up and go towards the ladder on the left. Climb down. Let go from the lowest ledge and grab the one underneath.
Secret 2 (Silver Dragon):Go around the corner to the right. Hang from the ledge and shimmy sideways right. Collect the Silver Dragon in the alcove. Shimmy back to the left.
Go to the left. Shoot the spider. Make a standing jump to grab the next ladder. Climb up and on the higher level, use the next ladder to climb up further.

Spiked Traps

Follow the path into the chamber with the spiked traps. Climb up the ladder. When you reach the gap shimmy right. While holding on to the wall press the jump button, to get Lara to jump onto the slide behind her. Jump again to land on top of the wall. Carefully walk towards the middle. Run over the collapsing platforms. Wait on the last one till you drop onto a block in the lava. Collect the shotgun ammo. Make a running jump to get into the opening of the passage ahead. Lara will slide down. Before you reach the ledge you have to jump onto another sloped platform. And from there jump again and grab the ledge of the block in front. Pull up. Slide down the little sloped block on the right to get to the spot with the grenades. Collect them and climb up the block on the right. Activate the trigger up there. (This will open the main gate of the temple.) Climb into the alcove on the left. Jump into the water.

In the Temple

Again dive towards the temple. Enter through the open main gate. Go around the pillar. In the main chamber you'll meet some stone knights. They'll use their swords if Lara gets to close. Collect the grenades behind the last one on the right. Enter the stone passage and climb up. Lara will now come to another lava filled room. Make a running jump to get onto the first brown slide. Jump shortly before you've reached the end to get onto the next slide. Repeat this three times till you can grab the ledge of the next block. (On the smaller slides there's no need to let go of the jump button.) Pull yourself up and climb further up. At the top turn to the left and make a running jump. Grab the ledge of the platform under the exit. Pull yourself up and continue climbing.

Spiked Walls and Boulders

In the following passage the floor will collapse. Drop down there, you'll end up in a room with spiked walls. Run towards the lever and use it. (If you're very quick you can pick up the Medi Pack on your way.) Make a roll and sprint through the door. Follow the passage. As soon as you step into the passage with the wooden walls a boulder will be triggered. Quickly jump back and out of the way to the right. Now run up the hill into the alcove. Turn around and jump onto the wooden boxes to the right. Another boulder will be triggered behind you. Go onto the stone walkway and quickly drop down into the passage as another boulder will be rolling past. Climb back up again and step onto the ladder. Climb up.

Under the Roof

Also climb the next ladder. Light a flare at the top. Jump down into the dark chamber. Possibly spread some flares in the room. Use the lever in one of the corners. Turn around quickly and shoot the tiger coming from behind. Climb into the alcove on the left of the lever. Don't use the ladder. Turn around, jump back and grab the ledge. Let go. Down in the next chamber you might want to use another flare. In the next room are two rolling blades which will make it difficult to get to the exit. Walk forward till you're very close. As soon as they are gone run past. Lara will now enter a chamber underneath the temples roof. (If you drop down by accident, return into the stone passage. The gate on the right is now open. Enter and climb up again.) Shoot the two eagles. Jump towards the switch on the red wall. Use it. Turn around quickly. While running jump over the wooden beams and exit through the open door at the other end.

The Dragon Seal

Follow the passage. You'll come to a walkway with 4 swinging spiked sacks. You can avoid the first three by shimmying sideways on one of the ledges. You have to pull up again before you reach the last one. Then run past. (Take a good look at his shadow, so you can see when to run past. SAVE!) Use the switch right of the passage. Make a sault to the left and use the switch there. Then run into the passage, over the crumbling floor and through the open gate. Behind the gate is a trapdoor. (Either hold on to the ledge quickly or run past.) Don't stop. As soon as Lara got past the trapdoor a boulder will follow her. Follow the ramp to the end. From the ledge jump to grab the ledge opposite. Pull yourself up. Collect The Dragon Seal.


Make a running jump from the platform to the walkway on the right. Climb up. Collect the Automatic-Ammo before you enter the chamber. Now go inside and shoot the spiders. Collect some more Automatic-Ammo. Use the lever. Leave the chamber on the other side. Slide down. On the lowest platform make a running jump to get onto the platform in the lava. Make another running jump to get onto the next platform. Turn to the left and jump onto the highest part of the sloped block. Jump while sliding and grab the ledge of the higher block. (Lara has to slide down forwards.) Pull yourself up and jump again while sliding to land on the next block. Turn right and make another running jump to get to the ledge of another block. Pull up. Again turn right and make a running jump onto the lower platform.


Jump onto the catapult-platform and let yourself be catapulted up onto one of the blocks. Quickly jump onto the next platform on the right to avoid a boulder. (Alternatively you can jump back and grab the ledge of the last block.) Make another quick jump to the right to avoid the next boulder as well. (Or you make a backsault onto the last platform.)
Secret 3 (Jade Dragon): Drop into the gap in front of the last row of platforms. Lara has to slide down forwards. Press the forward button before reaching the catapult-platform. Lara will land on a beam under the roof. From there make a running jump to get to the beam with the secret on the other side. You'll get lots of Uzi-Ammo along with the Jade Dragon if you've collected all three of them. Jump back down onto the first stone platform. Now jump to the right till you're on the platform on the right wall.
Jump onto the platform at the wall. Turn left and jump onto the higher platform. Shoot the eagle. Jump up to the right and grab the ledge of the highest platform. Pull yourself up. Make a running jump to get onto the platform on the same level, on the left. Make a standing jump up to the left onto the last platform. Enter the chamber and pull the crate twice.

Rolling Blade and Spiked Ceiling

Enter the chamber behind. Use the lever. Jump through the opened trapdoor. Run down. At the end of the passage quickly run into the hole and slide down. Continue straight on till you're under the roof of the entrance hall again. Shoot the two tigers patrolling downstairs. Then jump back down. Use the dragon seal on the door. Enter the passage behind. Follow it to the chamber with the rolling blade. Follow the blade to the first alcove. Wait there till it got past you. Now speed into the next alcove. Wait till it went past twice. (On its way to the entrance.) Then run to the end of the passage and slide down. Quickly use the lever ahead. Turn around, run to the lever on the right and use it as well. Make a roll and use the last lever as well. In the middle you can collect a small Medi Pack, if you can spare the time. Quickly exit through the open door.


Climb onto the little platform. From there make a running jump to get onto the bigger one. Pull yourself up and climb further up to the right. Shoot the fish in the lake. Jump into the water and use the lever. Swim towards the surface to get some air. Now dive into the long passage. Turn left to get into the next passage. Collect the Medi Pack and use the lever. Make a roll and dive into the open tunnel upwards. Use the lever there as well. Dive back into the main chamber and catch some breath. Dive through the opened door. Use the lever there as well. Dive back to the main chamber and climb out of the water. Jump onto the block and collect the M16 Clips in the chamber behind. Shoot the fish and then collect the Shotgun-Ammo lying on the ground.

Gold Key

Enter the chamber with the spiked wall behind the right door. Turn left. Use the lever on the right wall and run towards the end of the room. Jump through the opened gate on the left. Lara will drop into the water and will be carried towards a Gold Key by the current. Collect it and dive out. Collect the small Medi Pack as well. Dive to the left and climb back onto the wooden platform. Use the key there. Dive into the opened chamber on the right. In there dive to the right and then turn right again. Shoot the fish with the harpoon gun. Use the lever between the two pillars. Collect the small Medi Pack on the ground. Now leave the chamber and follow the tunnel ahead. Climb out of the water at the end. Shoot the fish.

Spider Cave

Draw weapons and enter the passage. Shoot several small spiders. Collect the flares on the right. Continue your way down into the cave. Here you'll meet the first giant spider. Kill it and follow the passage deeper down. Collect the Uzi-Ammo on the right. Shoot some more little spiders. Lara will end up in a cave. There the second giant spider will attack before Lara goes down into the cave. Now enter. The next giant spider will come down from above. And if you have a look around in the cave another one will appear. Opposite the entrance is a climbable pillar. Climb onto it. Turn around and make a running jump to get onto the next pillar. Turn around again and make a standing jump onto a higher platform. Pull up. Up there make a running jump to get onto the next block on the right. Make a standing jump to get onto the next. Immediately draw weapons and shoot another giant spider. (Or: Make a backflip to return onto the last platform.) From the spider-platform make a running jump onto the pillar in the middle of the room. From there make another running jump to get to the one in front of the exit. Now make a standing jump to reach the ledge of the exit. Pull up and run towards the edge outside.

Silver Key

Make a running jump and grab the ledge of the stone block in the water. Pull yourself up. Climb higher and collect the Silver Key. Jump into the water. Dive through the opening on the ground. Turn right, left and right again, so that Lara will end up in front of the temple again. Use the key on the building on the right. Enter. Climb onto the block on the right. Immediately make a standing jump to the block on the left. Pull yourself up. A boulder will be triggered. Jump back and grab the ledge or run to the right. Jump up to grab the ledge of the block on the right. Pull yourself up. This will trigger a second boulder. Jump left to get out of the way. Collect the Automatic-Ammo in the left corner. Now get out through the exit. Run over the bridge. Shoot the tiger. After that shoot the eagle. In the building is another tiger.

Bridge with Rolling Blade

Climb onto the sloped block on the right side. Press the jump button to make a backflip. Lara will land on the higher pillar. From there jump onto the pillar between the red and the stone wall. Now climb onto the red pillar on the left. Run to the end. Up on the left is a rolling blade. Hang from the ledge in the right corner. Pull up as soon as the blade is gone. Make a standing jump up to get out of the way. Climb up to the right. Collect the Medi Pack and the Uzi ammo Now exit the room. As soon as Lara steps onto the bridge the other blade will be triggered and will follow her. Quickly run over the bridge and jump onto the platform on the left. Use the switch and then shoot the eagle. Jump into the water and dive back towards the side entrance of the temple. Again climb up and run over the bridge.

Catapult Platforms

Again climb onto the sloped block and make a backflip onto the other. From there jump to the ledge of the tunnel on the right. Pull yourself up. Stay on the right wall. From the edge go two steps forward and then make a sault to the left. You'll land on a catapult platform. (Alternatively you can make a running jump from the red pillar onto the catapult platform or a backflip from in front of the catapult platform.) Don't press any buttons. Lara will be catapulted onto three more platforms. After jumping onto the last one press action to grab the ledge above. (If Lara hits the wall, instead of pressing Action press forward the second time. Lara will then land on the ledge.) Draw weapons and shoot the eagle. Jump to the ledge of the opening on the left. Pull yourself up and enter the lava chamber.

Inside the Temple

From the big entrance platform jump onto the little one on the right and from there over to the walkway in front of the spiked walls. They will be triggered. Run past them and jump onto the block on the left. Quickly climb up the ladder. Shimmy to the right. Turn around and climb up to the left. At the top run to the right. Jump onto the ladder at the end of the room. Climb up and follow the passage. Use the lever at the end.

Dragon Statue 1/3rd Key

Run back and enter the room on the right. There you'll find a dragon statue. (The column does not reach up to the ceiling.) Turn left and make a running jump onto the next platform. Pull yourself up. Make a standing jump onto the next platform. From there jump onto the column. Pull yourself up and collect the Main Chamber Key. Jump onto the neck of the dragon. Slide down. If you don't press any button Lara will land on a stone square. Climb down onto a lower block. From there make a running jump onto the entrance platform.

Main Chamber Lock

From there jump back onto the little platform on the right. Use the key. Back onto the entrance platform. Now make a running jump to the lowered platform on the left. Continue jumping onto the platform in front of the ladder. Climb up the ladder. Climb onto the block on the right. Make a standing jump onto the next ladder. Follow the passage. (Haven't we been here before?) This time enter the chamber on the left.

Dragon Statue 2

(The column reaches up to the ceiling.) Turn left and make a running jump onto the platform. Make a standing jump onto the next. Turn right and jump onto the sloped surface. Jump again to land on the dragon's neck. Climb up the ladder. Stop under the blade. Press the jump button to make a backflip and land on the slope behind. Let go of all buttons. Press jump again. Now press the action button to grab the ladder. Climb up till you're above the next blade. Stop there. Hold the action button. Press the jump button. Let go of the action button and press the roll button. Now press the action button again to grab the next ladder. Climb up and into the passage on the right. Follow the passage.
© Personal use only, no reproduction. Last changes: 20 Mar 2024, 03:10
by tombraidergirlnext
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